"No One Left Behind -Strengthening Health and Social Systems in Georgia "
17.10.2024 - 17.10.2024The project serves to strengthen health and child protection systems to address the consequences of the pandemic, which increases:
1. Raising the awareness of vulnerable groups on immunization and health issues;
2. Strengthening health services and child protection systems;
3. Helping the most vulnerable groups under state institutions with services tailored to their needs.
In October, the Telavi day center for disabled people "Alter Ego", which serves 35 people, was equipped with a material and technical base. The center has not been equipped with new furniture or techniques in the last 12 years and the support received within the framework of the World Vision project proved to be vital and contributes to the sustainability of the center.
The project is implemented by World Vision Georgia and the National Center for Disease Control and Public Health (NCDC), with the financial support of the Austrian Development Agency (ADA).